Category: Uncategorized

New “guidelines” say continue red meat consumption habits, but recommendations contradict evidence

A controversial “dietary guidelines recommendation” published in Annals of Internal Medicine suggests that adults can continue to consume red meat and processed meat at current levels of intake. [1] This recommendation runs contradictory to the large body of evidence indicating higher consumption of red meat—especially processed red meat—is associated with higher risk of type 2 […] Continue reading

Precision Nutrition and Type 2 Diabetes Management: Is It Ready for Prime Time?

When it comes to the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes, a combination of regular exercise, maintaining a healthy body weight, and following evidenced-based dietary recommendations remains sound guidance for the general population. However, in combination with recent technological advances, the emerging field of precision nutrition offers a novel approach to tailor prevention and treatment […] Continue reading

The Healthy Eating Plate, now in Greek

The Healthy Eating Plate is now available in Greek, providing another example of how to create a Mediterranean diet. There isn’t one specific Mediterranean diet, as there are multiple countries that border the Mediterranean Sea — each with its own foods, eating patterns, and lifestyles — but there are some similarities that help define a Mediterranean eating […] Continue reading

WEBCAST: Scientific Report of the 2015 DGAC

The on-demand webcast can be viewed here. On Wednesday February 25, The Harvard/T.H. Chan School of Public Health hosted a symposium on the Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC):  Evidence Basis and Key Recommendations. The event was moderated by Dr. Howard Koh, with Dr. J. Michael McGinnis as the Keynote Speaker. Presenters included Dr. […] Continue reading