Category: Features

Science of Flavor: Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous or Brassica vegetables, like broccoli, have long been promoted as a key part of a healthy diet—and rightfully so. The veggies in this family have been associated with reduced risk of heart disease and stroke, [1] and are being studied for their potential role in cancer prevention. [2] But beyond broccoli, at least 40 types of […] Continue reading

Spotlight on Soda

Taxes, warning labels, and industry influence: sugary drinks are a growing topic in policy discussions both nationally and internationally. Earlier this year, following evidence-based recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, the 2015-2020 U.S. Dietary Guidelines—for the first time—included a limit on added sugars at less than 10 percent of total calories. For an average […] Continue reading

Activating a Move-Friendly World

Sometimes the most innovative ideas do not rely on the latest technology but perhaps something far more challenging: changing the norm. Imagine this scenario. You are attending a fascinating lecture, diligently taking notes, when abruptly the speaker pushes away the microphone and steps from the podium. She requests everyone to rise from their seats and […] Continue reading

Back-to-School Fuel

If you’re a parent or caregiver, you’ve likely tackled the back-to-school list: new supplies, sneakers, backpack, and lunch box. How about what goes into that lunch box? Amidst hectic school-year schedules, here are some tips to make sure healthy packed meals aren’t an afterthought: Continue reading

Why School Meals Matter

School foods in the U.S. have come a long way. In 2010 they received a complete makeover when The First Lady Michelle Obama spearheaded a school meals initiative, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA), which was signed into law in December of that year. The act targeted childhood obesity by funding child nutrition programs and […] Continue reading

The Nurses’ Health Study: Celebrating 40 years of vital contributions to public health

Forty years, multiple cohorts, and 275 thousand participants and counting. The September issue of the American Journal of Public Health celebrates the substantial knowledge on nutrition and other aspects of chronic disease prevention generated by the historic Nurses’ Health Studies. The Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) was launched in 1976 with over 121,700 nurse participants to […] Continue reading