Shared meals are a highlight of the holidays. And while it’s easy to overindulge when there are so many delicious dishes on the table, desserts can be especially easy to overeat. A 2013 study examining how sugar and fat affect regions of the brain related to overeating showed that when it comes to food cravings, […] Continue reading
Category: Quick Tips
5 Quick tips: Staying healthy with alcohol
1. If you don’t drink, there’s no need to start. For some people—especially pregnant women, people recovering from alcohol addiction, people with a family history of alcoholism, people with liver disease, and people taking one or more medications that interact with alcohol—drinking can be dangerous and harmful to health. There are other ways to […] Continue reading
Exercise Safety
For an elite athlete, a weekend warrior, or anyone just starting out on a fitness plan, physical activity does increase the risk of injury. (37) Don’t let that stop you from becoming more active, though. The health benefits of being active far outweigh any risks. Continue reading
How to reach a winning weight
1. Skip “quick fixes.” Fad diets may cause rapid weight loss, but they’re highly likely to fail in the long run. Avoid short-term diets and instead set realistic goals that include choosing healthy foods in smaller portions. Continue reading
Plate power – 10 tips for healthy eating
Choose good carbs, not no carbs. Whole grains are your best bet. Pay attention to the protein package. Fish, poultry, nuts, and beans are the best choices. Choose foods with healthy fats, limit foods high in saturated fat, and avoid foods with trans fat. Plant oils, nuts, and fish are the healthiest sources. Choose a […] Continue reading
Make exercise a daily habit – 10 tips
Whether you’re looking for motivation to start exercising, or are interested in changing up your current routine, here are 10 tips for making exercise a daily habit. Piece your workout together. You don’t need to get all your exercise at one time. Ten minutes morning, noon, and night can give much of the same benefit […] Continue reading
Tips to lower trans fat intake
1. Read labels carefully and avoid foods with trans fats. 2. Avoid eating commercially prepared baked foods (including cookies, pies, and donuts), snack foods, and processed foods, including fast foods, unless you know they are trans free. 3. When cooking, choose healthier oils such olive, canola, or another liquid vegetable oil. If you desire a […] Continue reading