Healthy Workplaces

Group of business workers stretching arms in relax time standing at the office.

Approximately 130 million full-time American workers spend over one-third of their day, five days per week engaged with their place of employment. [1,2] Due to the number of people reached and the amount time spent in these settings, creating healthy worksite programs, policies, and environments have the potential to positively impact workers’ health. [3,4]

Diet-related chronic diseases are among the health conditions that contribute to direct medical costs and lost productivity to U.S. employers, including heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. [3] Worksite wellness programs primarily focus on improving health, increasing productivity, and reducing insurance costs. [4]

What about remote and hybrid workers?

The number of people physically located in their workplace has decreased substantially since the COVID-19 pandemic because more people are working from home. One survey from spring 2022 found that 58% of Americans reported having the opportunity to work from home at least one day a week; 35% reported having the option to work from home five days a week. [5] Nevertheless, effective workplace programs and policies utilizing a multidisciplinary approach can help reduce health risks and improve the quality of life for their employees. [3]

Worksite Wellness Programs

Worksite wellness programs have used a variety of mechanisms to promote health. Programs can be offered to the entire workplace, or specifically targeted to high-risk individuals.

Best practices for worksite wellness

  • Employers offer multifaceted nutrition and physical activity programs and initiatives. [2,4,6] Programs would include components such as:
    • Employee steering committees
    • Nutrition classes and seminars
    • Promotional and educational materials
    • Health risk assessments
    • Goal setting and lifestyle skills
    • Group exercise sessions
    • Signage to promote stair use
    • Increased availability of healthy foods and nutrition labeling in worksite cafeterias
  • Employers offer nutrition counseling to help individuals learn skills and gain support needed to improve eating and food preparation habits. Counseling includes self-monitoring, overcoming barriers to selecting healthy foods, goal setting, shopping and food preparation, and social support. [2,7]

Healthy Work Environments

Additional best practices for creating healthy eating and physical activity environments in the workplace

  • Utilize pricing and point-of-purchase strategies to promote healthier choices in cafeterias and vending machines. [8-15]
  • Development of healthy food and beverage procurement policies for cafeterias, vending machines, concessions stands, and/or for food provided at meetings, conferences and other organizational events. [2,8-10,16]
  • Create initiate incentive-based walking programs for employees. [8,9]
  • Initiate employee wellness programs that includes promoting use of stairs and walking trails, and targeting healthy eating. [8,9]


Last reviewed January 2022