Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy (Free Press), by Walter Willett, M.D., Dr.P.H. with Patrick J. Skerrett debunks dietary myths, gives a comprehensive review of current nutrition research, and debuts the Healthy Eating Pyramid, a healthier nutrition guide than the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s MyPyramid. Continue reading
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
Several of the recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 (1) represented important steps in the right direction: The guidelines emphasized the importance of controlling weight, which was not adequately addressed in previous versions. And they continued to stress the importance of physical activity. The recommendation on dietary fats made a clear break from […] Continue reading
Be Healthy! It’s a Girl Thing: Food, Fitness, and Feeling Great
Be Healthy! It’s a Girl Thing: Food, Fitness, and Feeling Great (Random House Children’s Books), by Mavis Jukes and Lilian Cheung, D.Sc., R.D. is a guide for adolescent girls on how to stay healthy and fit. Continue reading
Nutritional Epidemiology
Nutritional Epidemiology (Oxford University Press), by Walter Willett, M.D., Dr.P.H. is a detailed review of epidemiological research on the complex relationships between diet and chronic diseases. Continue reading