
PREDIMED Study Retraction and Republication

What Changed, What Didn’t, and the Big Picture On June 13, 2018, the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) retracted the 2013 study, “Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases with a Mediterranean Diet,” [1] as a result of error in randomization procedures affecting a portion of participants in the PREDIMED (Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea) trial. Concurrently, […] Continue reading

How Meat Is Cooked May Affect Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

You may have heard that grilling and barbecuing meats may create cancer-causing substances. You may have also heard that eating a lot of red meat—especially processed meats—may be linked to certain cancers. Now, new research suggests a possible connection between high-heat meat cooking and type 2 diabetes. The study, published in Diabetes Care by researchers from […] Continue reading

Always Delicious

In Always Delicious, the cookbook companion to Always Hungry?, Dr. David Ludwig teamed up with Chef Dawn Ludwig to create over 175 delicious and easy-to-make dishes. Featuring  “luscious high fat ingredients, savory proteins, and natural carbohydrates,” these recipes focus on quality ingredients designed to help “conquer cravings, retrain your fat cells, and keep the weight off permanently.” Interested in […] Continue reading

Precision Nutrition and Type 2 Diabetes Management: Is It Ready for Prime Time?

When it comes to the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes, a combination of regular exercise, maintaining a healthy body weight, and following evidenced-based dietary recommendations remains sound guidance for the general population. However, in combination with recent technological advances, the emerging field of precision nutrition offers a novel approach to tailor prevention and treatment […] Continue reading

PURE study makes headlines, but the conclusions are misleading

Last week, The Lancet published results from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (“PURE”) study that made headlines: “Study Challenges Conventional Wisdom on Fats, Fruits, and Vegetables;” “PURE Shakes Up Nutritional Field;” “Huge New Study Casts Doubt on Conventional Wisdom About Fat and Carbs.” Following over 135,000 participants spanning five continents, the study is indeed a […] Continue reading