Coverage from TedMed, featuring HSPH’s David Ludwig Continue reading
Maternal Obesity
Around the globe, more than 300 million women are obese—a grave concern given the harmful toll excess weight takes on pregnant women and their children. Maternal Obesity (Cambridge University Press, 2012) compiles the latest research about obesity in women of childbearing age into one comprehensive volume. The book thoroughly examines the adverse health effects of obesity […] Continue reading
Dr. Eric Rimm offers tips for maintaining a successful diet
While Rimm argues that there is no “magic bullet” for weight loss, choosing a diet that is both healthy and easy to maintain is crucial for lasting results. Continue reading
Tips to lower trans fat intake
1. Read labels carefully and avoid foods with trans fats. 2. Avoid eating commercially prepared baked foods (including cookies, pies, and donuts), snack foods, and processed foods, including fast foods, unless you know they are trans free. 3. When cooking, choose healthier oils such olive, canola, or another liquid vegetable oil. If you desire a […] Continue reading
Ask the Expert: Healthy Fats
The Experts: Dr. Walter Willett and Amy Myrdal Miller We asked Dr. Walter Willett of Harvard School of Public Health and Amy Myrdal Miller, M.S., R.D. of The Culinary Institute of America to explain why it’s time to end the “low fat is best” myth—and to provide ideas for how to use healthy fats in […] Continue reading
2011 Harvard forum on food policy
Coverage from Harvard Food Law Society, featuring Walter Willett Continue reading
Fighting the clock: How America’s sleep deficit is damaging long-term health
Coverage from The Forum at HSPH, featuring Frank Hu Continue reading
Video: Healthy Eating Plate
Coverage from Spices of Life, featuring Walter Willett Continue reading
Diet technology, and chronic disease
Coverage from, TEDx Harvard Law, featuring David Ludwig Continue reading
Misguided Moves Thwart Healthier School Lunch
Congress Scraps Limits on French Fries, Keeps Pizza a Vegetable No one would mistake French fries and pizza for a healthy meal. Yet Congress has overturned a plan that would limit French fries in school lunch. And it’s scrapped or stalled other healthy menu changes that would boost vegetables and lower salt. Continue reading