Eat Well & Keep Moving, Second Edition (Human Kinetics) by Dr. Lilian Cheung, Hank Dart, Sari Kalin, and Prof. Steve Gortmaker is a school-based program that equips children with the knowledge, skills, and supportive environment they need to lead more healthful lives by choosing nutritious diets and being physically active. Continue reading
Planet Health: An Interdisciplinary Curriculum for Teaching Middle School Nutrition and Physical Activity, Second Edition. Champaign: Human Kinetics.
Planet Health: An Interdisciplinary Curriculum for Teaching Middle School Nutrition and Physical Activity, Second Edition. Champaign: Human Kinetics (Human Kinetics), by Carter J, Wiecha J, Peterson K, Nobrega S, and Gortmaker SL. Continue reading
Ask the expert: Omega-3 fatty acids
The Expert: Dr. Frank Sacks Professor of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health 1. What are omega-3 fatty acids, and why should I make sure to include them in my diet? Omega-3 fatty acids (also known as n-3 fatty acids) are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are essential nutrients for health. We […] Continue reading
Ask the expert: Vitamin D and chronic disease
The Expert: Dr. Edward Giovannucci Professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology, Departments of Nutrition and Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health 1. There’s been a lot of news lately about vitamin D’s role in prevention of cancer, heart disease, and other chronic diseases. What do we know today—and what questions remain? Vitamin D has a well-established role […] Continue reading
Ask the expert: Controlling your weight
The Expert: Dr. Walter Willett Fredrick John Stare Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition, Departments of Nutrition and Epidemiology, and Chair, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health 1. How much control do we have over our body weight? And how much of our weight is controlled by our genes? Genes do play a role […] Continue reading
Eat, Drink, and Weigh Less
In Eat, Drink, and Weigh Less (Hyperion), Mollie Katzen and Walter Willett, M.D., Dr.P.H. team up to provide a flexible weight loss plan with more than 100 delicious and healthy recipes, to help keep the weight off for good. Continue reading
HSPH Researcher Applauds NYC Ban on Trans Fats in Restaurants
The New York City Board of Health’s decision to ban trans fats from restaurants may prevent thousands of premature deaths, and it serves as a model for other cities around the world, according to a leading authority on trans fats’ harmful health effects. “The New York City Board of Health deserves applause for its decision […] Continue reading
Trans Fats and Cardiovascular Health: Dr. Mozaffarian’s Testimony
Testimony submitted at October 30, 2006 hearing before the New York City Board of Health by Dariush Mozaffarian, M.D., Dr.P.H., F.A.C.C.. F.A.H.A., Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health I am a cardiologist at Harvard Medical School and an epidemiologist at the Harvard School of Public Health. I would like to thank the […] Continue reading
Health Effects of Trans Fatty Acids Intake: Dr. Willett’s Testimony
Testimony submitted at October 30, 2006 hearing before the New York City Board of Health by Walter Willett, M.D., M.P.H., Dr. P.H., Departments of Epidemiology and Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health First, I want to thank the New York City Department of Health for providing this opportunity to comment on the proposed restriction of […] Continue reading
HSPH Researchers Support Trans Fat Ban in NYC Restaurants
Calling artificial trans fats “the most harmful nutrient in our diet,” two researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health testified in support of a proposed ban on trans fats in New York City restaurants. The measure, proposed by the New York City Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene, would give restaurants six months to […] Continue reading