Category: Features

Healthy Living Guide 2023/2024

A Digest on Healthy Eating and Healthy Living “The apple in your hand is the body of the cosmos.” – Thich Nhat Hanh Happy New Year, and welcome to the fourth edition of the Healthy Living Guide! 2023 was an exciting year in the Department of Nutrition, as we celebrated the launch of the Thich […] Continue reading

WHO releases updated guidelines on defining healthy diets

Harvard experts say most recommendations are well-supported, but guidance on total fat intake omits decades of evidence The World Health Organization (WHO) has released updated guidelines for defining healthy diets, with particular attention to carbohydrates, total fat, and specific types of fat such as saturated and trans fats. The guidelines are an addition to their […] Continue reading

Unpacking WHO guidelines on non-sugar sweeteners

The World Health Organization (WHO) released a new guideline on non-sugar sweeteners (NSS)—often referred to as artificial or low-calorie sweeteners—that advises against use of NSS to control body weight or reduce the risk of noncommunicable diseases. After conducting a research review, they concluded that replacing sugar sweeteners with NSS did not promote weight loss in […] Continue reading

Healthy Living Guide 2022/2023

A Digest on Healthy Eating and Healthy Living Throughout 2022, food and nutrition were often in the spotlight, perhaps most notably with the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health. The national strategy that emerged from the event (the first of its kind since the original conference in 1969) aims at ending hunger and […] Continue reading

Navigating infant formula shortages

Infant formula shortages in the U.S. have occurred in the past two years largely due to widespread pandemic-related supply-chain problems. A national shortage of infant formula is undoubtedly alarming for families since infants require formula when human milk is not accessible or not available in adequate amounts. Although breastfeeding is encouraged, it is not always […] Continue reading

Healthy Living Guide 2021/2022

A Digest on Healthy Eating and Healthy Living Over the course of 2021, many of us continued to adapt to a “new normal,” characterized by a return to some pre-pandemic activities mixed with hobbies or habits that have emerged since 2020’s lockdowns. On the topic of food and eating, according to one U.S. consumer survey […] Continue reading

Healthy Living Guide 2020/2021

A Digest on Healthy Eating and Healthy Living As we transition from 2020 into 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect nearly every aspect of our lives. For many, this health crisis has created a range of unique and individual impacts—including food access issues, income disruptions, and emotional distress. Although we do not have concrete […] Continue reading

Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020 released

The 9th edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 is out, with the tagline to Make Every Bite Count. Intended for policy makers, healthcare providers, nutrition educators, and Federal nutrition program operators, the new edition has expanded to almost 150 pages, providing nutrition guidelines for even more age groups throughout the life cycle. As […] Continue reading

COVID-19 and Obesity

This page will be updated as new information becomes available. Last update: 10.24.20 The novel Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has created a global pandemic with its syndrome, COVID-19. The number of people affected by COVID-19 continues to increase worldwide, and information about risk factors for severe COVID-19 and mortality is emerging almost […] Continue reading

Seguridad de los alimentos, nutrición, y bienestar durante COVID-19

Esta página se actualizará conforme más información esté disponible. Última actualización: 4 de mayo del 2020. Según navegamos estos tiempos nunca vistos, muchos(as) se preguntan cómo comprar, pedir/ordenar, y preparar alimentos para disminuir la transmisión del nuevo coronavirus. A pesar de que no hay evidencia publicada sobre el contagio de la enfermedad de coronavirus (COVID-19) […] Continue reading