Category: Features

Food rating systems: A not-so-smart choice

When rushing through the supermarket, who has time to pore over Nutrition Facts labels and compare ingredient lists? That’s why more than a dozen rating systems have been established to help shoppers identify healthful products. (1) Some, like the Guiding Stars program in Hannaford supermarkets, put rating information on food shelf tags below various products. […] Continue reading

Excess Weight Is Not Good for You

A Closer Look at Obesity, Health Risks, and Mortality    Writing in the November 7, 2007, Journal of the American Medical Association, federal researchers concluded that being overweight isn’t associated with the chances of dying from heart disease or cancer. (1) Even more surprisingly, they found that overweight may be associated with lower risks of […] Continue reading

Vitamin D, Calcium and Health

Clearing up confusion around the vitamin supplement findings from the Women’s Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial Many people were surprised and confused by the report from the Women’s Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial (WHI) that vitamin D supplements had no apparent benefit for hip fracture or colon cancer risks.(1) In this study, over 36,000 women […] Continue reading

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Several of the recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 (1) represented important steps in the right direction: The guidelines emphasized the importance of controlling weight, which was not adequately addressed in previous versions. And they continued to stress the importance of physical activity. The recommendation on dietary fats made a clear break from […] Continue reading